What is Mediation?
Mediation is an opportunity to sit down with trained mediators and the other party for the purpose of discussing what brought you to mediation, identify the issues, brainstorm ideas and hopefully work towards solutions that would be agreeable to all. Mediators do not give suggestions nor do they make decisions.
What Types of Disputes Can I Bring to Mediation?
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Neighborhood disputes (such as noise, property, animals, and lifestyle differences)
Neighborhood association disputes
Family disputes (including couples, custody, siblings, cross-generational, and parent-teen conflicts)
Parenting plans
Elder care
Business disputes (including business/neighbor and business/consumer)
Smalls Claims
Employment disputes (such as co-worker disputes and supervisor/employee conflicts)
School disputes (such as those among students and/or between parents, staff, and administration
attendance mediation
​Landlord-tenant disputes
Roommate/housemate disputes
How it works
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In the Beginning
Your mediators will introduce the parties and discuss how the process will work. Everyone involved in the dispute will have a chance to share their point of view and say what they hope the mediation will accomplish.
Defining Issues
Your mediators will facilitate discussion around the conflict to reveal the core problems, underlying needs and concerns of each party.
Building Consensus
All parties brainstorm and discuss possible solutions that address everyone’s needs.
Writing an Agreement
When agreement is reached, your mediators will help you write down a statement clarifying what it is that both of you have agreed to and articulating the steps you will take moving forward.